Things in socialist medicin keep going from worse to worse. Now there is a discussion going on about the need for "ethical and humane" ways of killing babies. The ones that manage to survive late term abortions in the first place that is. All of it starting by a letter from a midwife in Sweden who is called upon to handle abortions, to the National Board of Health and Welfare asking about directives for killing the little tykes. She points out that there are animal protection rules about how to kill kittens, so why not the same for children?
The final question is chilling:
"Why are no rules for how to kill human fetuses in a humane way?"
As if there should be such rules. As if the only problem with killing children is a question of method.
This sub-beastly practice that makes child sacrifices to comfort and convenience has to stop.
This is the socialized medicine payed for by taxes.. Wonder what else they get up to?
Article (in Swedish) here